Download & Setup
SimFly Pad
You can search for SimFly Pad on the AppStore or Google Play Store to install it.
SimFly Linker
Apart from the checklist functionality of SimFly Pad, other features require a connection with SimFly Linker to work. Therefore, SimFly Linker is an essential component for SimFly Pad users.
Download link:
Extract the SimFly Linker zip file to any path. (Note: If you downloaded it from, just run the .exe installer.)
Starting SimFly Linker
Run SimFlyLinker.exe
, then click the “Start” button on the homepage of the interface. This indicates that the SimFly Linker service has started and it will attempt to automatically notify SimFly Pad on the local network.
If everything is set up correctly, you will see a green “SimFly Linker Connected” message at the top right corner of the Camera page in SimFly Pad. Additionally, a green indicator should be visible at the top left corner of the Cockpit page.
If SimFly Pad fails to automatically detect SimFly Linker, please refer to the network diagnostics guide for troubleshooting.
When running SimFlyLinker.exe for the first time, Windows Firewall may ask for network access permission. Please make sure to allow it.
For iOS users, the system will prompt for local network access permission when starting SimFly Pad for the first time. Please make sure to allow it.
Network Requirement
Simply put, the device running SimFly Pad needs to be able to communicate with the PC running SimFly Linker over the network for most of SimFly Pad’s features to work.
Typically, they need to meet the following conditions:
Connected to the same router. (If they are on different routers, ensure the networks are connected. Usually, after knowing the IP address of SimFly Pad, you can use the
command from the PC running SimFly Linker to verify the network.)If your PC is also using a wireless network, make sure both devices are using the same frequency band.
The device isolation option is not enabled on the router.
Windows Firewall or antivirus software is not blocking SimFly Linker’s network requests.
The devices are not running a VPN.
Both SimFly Pad and SimFly Linker have built-in network diagnostic tools. If you are unable to establish a connection between SimFly Linker and SimFly Pad, please refer to this article.
Last updated